I was watching a TV program about a court case and the prosecutor had brought in an expert in the field of DNA to verify facts about the accused. Since it was a high profile case, the district attorney brought in not any DNA expert, but the most renowned scientist in the field. Obviously he was very convincing and was a major determining factor in the outcome of the case.

In light of this, I was thinking about the significance of believers speaking in tongues much in their lives. I then imagined we were at a court proceeding and the jury wanted to see why speaking in tongues should be such a vital part of a Christian’s life. What expert witness could I bring up to the stand to testify of the importance of speaking in tongues?

OK, who is the most qualified expert in the field of Christianity that we could call up to the witness stand. The answer was quick and really rather easy coming to my mind. The Apostle Paul. He was the one God and His son Jesus Christ called to carry the leadership of the ministry as well as being the writer of the Church Epistles that gave the doctrine of Christianity.

What was the testimony of the Apostle Paul for this all important question of the importance of speaking in tongues? Here is what he said:

“I would that you all speak in tongues.” (I Cor. 14:5)

“I Thank my God, I speak in tongues more than you all.” (I Cor. 14:18)

“Forbid not to speak in tongues.” (I Cor. 14:39)

I rest my case! Every believer should be speaking in tongues. They should not forbid anyone to speak in tongues. Paul believed so much in God’s desire for people to speak in tongues that he spoke in tongues more than the Corinthian Church! He must of spoke in tongues “like a house on fire.” Jesus Christ even taught His disciples when they operate the gift of holy spirit, it should flow out like a river of living waters.” (John 7:38).

Why are there so few that speak in tongues and why do those who partake of it, spend such minimal time doing it. We can blame the devil for the most part. But really we are all responsible before the Heavenly Father on how we live our lives. Let’s take to heart the testimony of God’s Word and speak in tongues much and more.

