There are many elements within our fellowships that really bless people. These include: The teaching of God’s Word, prayer time, testimony sharing time, singing, hearing messages from the Heavenly Father via the manifestations of holy spirit, Godly conversation, counseling and more. There is so much in our meetings that help the believer. This is all wonderful, but what is the ultimate aim of our fellowships?

Our purpose is to bring people into experiencing an intimate relationship with God. For me this was the ultimate, that I could talk to God Almighty and I could hear from Him. It could not get any better than this, except the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Intimacy at the Highest Level

What is the one thing I have learned in God’s Word that opens intimacy with the Creator of the Heaven’s and earth? Speaking in tongues!

I really enjoy reading and studying God’s Word. God magnified His Word above all His name (Psalm 138:2), so it is great stuff. One thing it teaches is what the believer has, being born again. One great reality is being filled with the power of the holy spirit. That spirit has nine abilities or manifestations that describe what it can do. One of the greatest manifestations is speaking in tongues. God designed this so you could pray to Him in the spirit (I Corinthians 14:15 & 16). When you speak in tongues you speak to God not to man (I Corinthians 14:2). When you speak in tongues you magnify Him (Acts 10:46). You also speak the wonderful works of God (Acts 2:11). You give thanks well to God by speaking in tongues (I Corinthians 14:16 & 17). How awesome is our God to make this relationship so personal and dynamic.

The highest honor is worship. God’s Word says, “God is spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). To worship by the spirit is to speak in tongues. God loves it when we speak in tongues. It is a “heavenly language.” It brings us very close to the Father.

I have never felt any closer to God than when I speak in tongues. God loves it! We should speak in tongues much to bless the Father. It makes for a very intimate relationship with Him.



PS: Acts Now Fellowship is doing a Day in God’s Word on March 10th called: “Speaking the Wonderful Works of God.” It will deal specifically with speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues and prophecy. Pleases join us to experience what it is like to have an intimacy with God on the highest level.

Details on the website: